Multicat is fairly simple to use. Just give it an input and output and it figures the rest out on it's own.
multicat -uU ./CheyenneVAhospital.ts
The -uU flags to ignore the missing RTP headers.
But wait! You need a .aux file apparently
error: couldn't open file ./CheyenneVAhospital.aux (No such file or directory)
Piece of cake. The docs say you just have to ingest the file with the ingests command. Let's copy and paste that into our shell
ingests -p 68 ./CheyenneVAhospital.ts
Oh great. That didn't work.
debug: end of file reached
error: no PCR found
Alright our PCR PID must be wrong. Luckily we can use ffprobe to get the PCR PID out of a .ts file.
ffprobe CheyenneVAhospital.ts -show_programs | grep pcr_pid
ingests -p 256 ./CheyenneVAhospital.ts
Hey, cool. No errors this time. And our .aux file is more than 0 bytes!
Now we can finally do the thing.
multicat -uU ./CheyenneVAhospital.ts
Oh by the way, if you want to change your MPEG-TS file to have a consistent video bitrate, you can use ffmpeg for that. Here's an example of converting the video stream to 1Mb/sffmpeg -i ./CheyenneVAhospital.ts -c:v libx264 -b:v 1M -map 0 CheyenneVAhospital_1M.ts
And multicat doesn't support looping, so you'll just have to put the multicat command inside a loop body and deal with the spikesfor (( ; ; ))
multicat -uU ./CheyenneVAhospital_1M.ts