How to disable Email Confirmations for new user registration in ELGG:
1) Navigate to you ELGG installation directory (mine is /var/www/elgg_1_8_1).
2) Navigate to the 'mod' folder.
3) Delete the 'uservalidationbyemail' folder.
You're done!
If you want to keep this folder, but still disable email confirmations, open the file 'mod/uservalidationbyemail/start.php and change the following lines:
function uservalidationbyemail_init() {
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/functions.php';
function uservalidationbyemail_init() {
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/functions.php';
Basically, bypass the entire init() function for this module by inserting a 'return' at the start. This will stop the module from registering its handlers, but keeps the module's files in place if you desire to use it in the future.